impossible to count every fish caught by recreational fishermen, yet accurate
recreational catch and landings data are an essential part of the fisheries
management process. Thus, saltwater fisheries managers are constantly seeking
better estimates of anglers catch, landings, and effort. Currently, the
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) employs the Marine Recreational Information
Program (MRIP) to provide the needed information.
MRIP estimates are derived from data developed by four different surveys,
which may be supplemented by state recreational data programs. The two most
important surveys are the Access Point Angler Intercept
Survey, which interviews anglers returning from fishing trips, and
counts and measures their catch, and the Fishing Effort Survey (FES),
which mails questionnaires to both known anglers and to coastal addresses,
asking how often household members have gone fishing in recent months.
Compiling the data generated by the surveys, and calculating the
estimates of catch and landings, involves an intricate statistical process. To
grossly oversimply how that process works, the average number of fish, broken
down by species, caught by the interviewed anglers is multiplied by the
estimated number of trips taken by every angler on the coast. The result is a
relatively accurate estimate of recreational catch and landings.
At least, it was believed to be accurate until a pilot study
sponsored by NMFS discovered an apparent flaw in the FES, which seems to be
inflating estimates of shore and private boat anglers’ effort by as much as 30
or 40 percent. NMFS announced its discovery of the problem on August 7, 2023,
during a call with members of the recreational fishing community.
Ironically, the problem seems to have arisen out of anglers’ desire
to help NMFS’ surveyors.
The FES asks anglers a series of questions, the most important
of which is how many times they went saltwater fishing during the most recent,
two-month “wave.” NMFS also asks how many times the angler fished in the
previous year. When researchers, conducting a pilot study on NMFS’ behalf, looked at anglers’ answers to
those two questions, they found that about sixteen percent of responding
anglers reported that they went on more fishing trips in the preceding two
months than they did in the preceding year, an obviously impossible result.
Researchers found that some anglers are reluctant to provide a
negative response, so such anglers report trips that they didn’t actually take.
Such reports don’t, for the most part, represent intentional deception, but
rather what is known as “telescoping error,” which, according to the pilot
study, happens when “a respondent misplaces an event in time, usually placing
the event more recently in time than it actually occurred.”
For reasons that remain unclear, shore fishermen seem more prone
to telescoping error than private boat fishermen. Asking anglers how many
shore-based trips they took, before inquiring about trips made aboard private
vessels, also appears to inflate the reported effort. Surprisingly, errors due
to “recall delay,” which occurs when respondents forget to report a trio, are
relatively infrequent.
The pilot study suggested that much of the error can be
eliminated by first asking anglers how many trips they took during the prior
12-month period, and afterward asking about the number of trips taken during
the previous two-month wave. Apparently, the answer given to the former
question creates a “boundary” that limits the number of trips reported for the
shorter period.
Asking how many private boat trips an angler took before
inquiring into the number of shore-based outings will probably further reduce
the error. It’s impossible to know whether error can be totally eliminated but,
as noted in a review of the pilot study, “Since the ‘truth’ is never completely
known in these situations, the author [of the pilot study] makes plausible
arguments to show the designs that are likely to lead to reduce management
errors and estimates that closer [sic] to the unknown truth.”
In other words, while the possibility of error can never be
completely eliminated, it can be substantially reduced. NMFS plans to undertake
a larger scale study, expected to last throughout 2024, to determine whether
reordering the FES questions will substantially eliminate the telescoping error
In the meantime, NMFS needs to decide how to address the error
in the FES.
Recreational catch and landings estimates are tightly interlaced
with other aspects of a fishery management process in which such estimates are
used in calculations of spawning stock biomass, the estimates of biomass are
used to determine commercial and recreational catch limits, and such catch
limits are used to set the necessary management measures. Then, at the close of
each fishing year, the recreational estimates are used once again to determine
whether the management measures successfully prevented overharvest.
Without accurate estimates of recreational catch and landings,
it will be very difficult to successfully manage saltwater recreational
fisheries, as managers could find themselves either allowing harvest to rise to
unsustainable levels, putting the future of the fishery in peril, or making
unnecessarily severe reduction in landings, to account for the current
management uncertainty.
Despite the need for caution in the face of uncertainty, some
members of the recreational fishing community will undoubtedly use the FES
overestimates as grounds to call for less restrictive management measures. That
was evident on the August 7th call, when one mid-Atlantic magazine editor
complained that the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Atlantic
Striped Bass Management Board was not told of the FES issue before it voted to extend emergency
regulations intended to reduce recreational striped bass
Such complaints only demonstrate individuals’ ignorance of both
the effect of the FES errors and the relationship between recreational catch
and landings data and the estimates of spawning stock biomass.
As Dr. Evan Howell, Director of NMFS Office of Science and
Technology, noted on the August 7th call, while the FES issue creates an error
in the magnitude of recreational landings estimates,
causing them to be too high, it does not impact trends in
those estimates. Thus, managers can rely on the fact that 2022 recreational striped bass
landings were nearly twice as high as those in 2021, even
though the magnitude of both 2021 and 2022 landings were really less than
originally believed.
There is a similar link between recreational landings estimates
and estimates of spawning stock biomass, particularly in fisheries which are
dominated by the recreational sector, as the population models used to assess
the health of such stocks typically treat higher recreational landings as an
indicator of greater abundance.
For example, in June 2018, MRIP estimates were calibrated to
reflect adoption of the FES as a replacement for the less accurate Coastal Households Telephone Survey; the calibrated
estimates indicated that striped bass landings were 160% higher than originally
believed while striped bass catch, which includes both landings and releases,
was 140% higher. Due in part those increases, the last benchmark striped bass
stock assessment, released in 2019, set the target spawning stock
biomass at 114,295 metric tons, roughly 160% of the 72,032 metric ton target
set by the previous assessment, completed five years before.
If recreational striped bass catch-and-landings estimates are
revised downward as a result of the newly discovered FES error, both the
estimate of spawning stock biomass and the spawning stock biomass target will
almost certainly be lowered as well. As a result, the FES error will probably
have little effect on the regulations needed to manage the recreational striped
bass fishery.
The same should be true for most recreationally important fish stocks.
What probably will be affected are the commercial quotas for
federally-managed fished species, which could be impacted in two different
First, because such quotas effectively permit commercial
fishermen to catch a fixed share of a stock’s estimated biomass, if the FES
error led managers to overestimate such biomass, the resulting commercial
quotas will also be too high, and could lead to overfishing; reducing
commercial quotas will be necessary to prevent that result. On the other hand,
FES data has been, and is being, used to reallocate catch between the
commercial and recreational sectors, based on the belief that recreational
catch has, historically, been underestimated. Since it now appears that
recreational catch has been overestimated, an argument can be made that such
reallocations take too many fish away from the commercial sector, and need to
be revisited.
Decisions on such issues probably won’t be made until NMFS has
had an opportunity to fully evaluate the impacts of the FES error on fishery
management efforts.
In the meantime, recreational industry advocates, who already
have a long history of condemning
MRIP while supporting state recreational data programs, will undoubtedly
try to use the FES error to support their arguments. Such intent was
telegraphed by stakeholder comments on the August 7th call. Yet FES-based
attacks on MRIP ignore the fact that the recent discovery of the survey’s flaws
is evidence of MRIP’s strength, not its weakness.
The FES error was only discovered because NMFS is constantly
striving to improve the MRIP process, and conducts continuing studies on how
that process can be improved. Even though the National Academy of Sciences gave MRIP a very positive
review, NMFS didn’t become complacent, but instead continued to
review the process and search for possible flaws. Now that one of those reviews
has discovered the apparent FES error, NMFS can take the actions necessary to
correct it and make MRIP a better tool for estimating recreational catch,
effort, and data. Had NMFS never sponsored the study, the error would not have
been found, and managers would have continued to rely on inaccurate
While state data programs are being actively promoted by some recreational
fishing organizations, such organizations fail to provide assurances that such
programs are subject to the same sort of rigorous study and review that
characterizes MRIP. They fail to provide assurances that state programs are
free of errors at least as serious as the FES error, which was only discovered
because NMFS was looking for it.
But now that the FES error was discovered,
the next question is, “What happens next?”
In the short term, NMFS will have to figure out how the error
might impact stock assessments and the annual management measures that govern
federal fisheries. It must decide what actions might be needed to prevent harm
to fish stocks while the issue is being resolved. Such discussions have already
Over the next two years or so, the agency will need to determine
the true extent and magnitude of the error; the current belief that effort is
overstated by 30 to 40 percent may or may not be right. Once the extent of the
error is known, the agency will need to come up with a way to fix it.
In the long term, discovery of the FES error will only
strengthen MRIP and make it a better tool. That is how science works. There is
no dogma, no absolute truth. Instead, new information, supported by convincing
evidence, continually reshapes perceptions of reality.
Now that the FES’ estimates have been proven wrong, NMFS can
begin working on getting them right.
essay first appeared in “From the Waterfront,” the blog of the Marine Fish
Conservation Network, which can be found at
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