December 16, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Atlantic Striped
Bass Management Board will meet to discuss possible changes in management
measures, for the 2025 season.
The Management Board is seeking public comment ahead of that meeting,
which comment must be emailed to comments@asmfc.org
by 11:59 p.m. on December 10.
The question for stakeholders is
precisely what they’ll be asked to comment on.
Because the Management Board will
be fast-tracking any measures that might be adopted, and adopting such
measures outside the usual addendum process, it did not produce the typical
draft addendum for public comment, not did it schedule public hearings. Instead, the
only document available for stakeholder review is the memo that the Striped
Bass Technical Committee and Stock Assessment Subcommittee produced for the
Management Board, which is included in the meeting materials. It’s not the easiest document to navigate if
someone isn’t familiar with management jargon, as it doesn’t include clearly
labeled options. However, the topics for
comment are clearly presented. In the remainder of this post, I’ll try
to lay out the key points, along with some thoughts on what might best benefit
the striped bass resource in this difficult time.
Uncertainty still clouds the data
One of the tasks that the Management Board assigned the Technical Committee, when the Board last met in October, was to include data from Wave 4—July and August—into its calculations of the fishing mortality reductions needed to rebuild the stock by 2029.
Unfortunately, that additional data may have only increased
the uncertainty.
the October Management Board meeting, a Technical Committee presentation
suggested that, based on data from Waves 2 and 3—March through June 2024—and depending
upon how much 2025 landings increased after the above-average 2018 year class
entered the coastal slot limit, a reduction in the 14.5 percent to 26.8 percent
range would be needed to rebuild the stock by 2029, assuming that fishing
mortality fell back to 2024 levels in the years 2026-2029. A 14.5 percent reduction seemed the most
likely outcome.
Of course, that was a lot of
assumptions, and there was no guarantee that all—or any—of them would prove
true. The Technical Committee cautioned
“While including additional data (i.e.,
adding Wave 4) is generally informative, the [Technical Committee-Stock
Assessment Subcommittee] notes that using Waves 2-4 to predict removals does
not always result in a more accurate estimate of final removals than using only
Waves 2-3.”
Warnings like that should be
heeded, particularly when, after providing two other scenarios, including 1) the scenario
based on Waves 2 and 3, which calls for a 14 percent reduction and 2) another scenario that
includes Wave 4 data but assumes higher landings in 2025 and a fishing
mortality rate for 2026-2029 slightly higher than the 2024 rate, which would require an eight
percent reduction to achieve rebuilding. With respect to all
three scenarios, the Technical Committee advised
“The probability of achieving rebuilding
by 2029 range from 57% to 43% across the three primary scenarios which equate
to reductions ranging from 0% to 14%.
The [Technical Committee-Stock Assessment Subcommittee] notes that all
three primary scenarios represent a credible range of what might happen. As such, the Board should consider its risk
tolerance when considering possible management response for 2025 and
beyond. The level of risk the Board is
willing to accept (with respect to resource status, economic loss, and
persistent modeling uncertainty due to annual management changes) is a
management decision.”
Thus, the Technical Committee
acknowledges the uncertainty inherent in its recommendations, does not attempt to predict which scenario is most
likely, and further warns that
“Although these projections aim to capture
some component of changing effort and fish availability (i.e., increased
[fishing mortality] when strong year classes are available), angler behavior
and fish availability are still sources of uncertainty. Additionally, there is high uncertainty in
the exact [fishing mortality] values that will occur over this period even with
constant regulations. The estimated F2024
and F_rebuild values for all scenarios would be the lowest
values since 1994, which is possible given both the extremely narrow slot limit
and the lack of a strong year class in that slot. The low year-classes following the 2018
year-class will result in lower availability of harvestable fish after 2025,
which may result in a decline in effort and a lower F for 2026-2029;
however, if removals remain constant on these weaker year-classes, F may
not decrease as much as expected.
Finally, the ability to maintain a constant F for consecutive
years is difficult even with regulation changes. While the projections assume a constant F
for 2026-2029, the [Technical Committee-Stock Assessment Subcommittee] cannot
predict how F will vary from year to year.”
So it is clear that even the best estimates of the Technical Committee might not be very precise.
A risk-averse approach is
The Technical Committee’s projections
unavoidably include a high level of uncertainty, and when considering fishery
management measures, a high degree of uncertainty calls for an equally high
degree of precaution.
That is particularly true in the
case of the striped bass.
In addition, recruitment
of young striped bass into the population has been very low in recent
years. Maryland, the most important
spawning ground on the coast, has experienced six consecutive years of
recruitment failure, with the average juvenile abundance index for those six
years the lowest of any six-year period on the coast—including those years in
the late 1970s and 1980s when the striped bass stock experienced a
collapse. Virginia recruitment has also
been poor for the past four years, and Delaware
River recruitment for three (although we don’t have the 2024 data yet; 2024
could conceivably mark the fourth poor year there, too). The
only relatively successful recruitment has been in the Hudson River, where it
has vacillated wildly from year to year, with 2020 producing one of the
strongest year classes on record and 2023 producing the worst recruitment since 1985. We don’t yet know what Hudson River
recruitment looked like this year, although there are some rumors floating
around suggesting that it wasn’t very good.
The Hudson figures should be released later this year.
Because of the low recruitment,
the current effort to rebuild the stock by 2029 is about more than merely increasing
the number of striped bass available to the commercial and recreational
fisheries; it is about shoring up the spawning stock biomass, so that if recruitment
stays low for an extended period due to unfavorable environmental factors, as
it did in the 70s and ‘80s, and biomass crashes again, there will still be
sufficient spawning stock available to begin a recovery once more favorable
spawning conditions recur.
Given the overfished status
of the striped bass stock, and the impossibility of predicting when recruitment
will again return to more typical levels, the Management Board should be urged
to exercise caution and assume that a 14% overall reduction in landings will be
needed to rebuild the spawning stock biomass by the 2029 deadline.
The issues that must be considered
Once the size of the reduction
has been determined, the next question is just who must reduce
their landings. Here, the Technical
Committee offers three possible choices:
1) the commercial and recreational sectors could both take an equal reduction,
2) the commercial quota could remain unchanged, and the recreational sector
made responsible for the entire reduction, or 3) the commercial sector could
take what the Technical Committee describes as a reduction “based on sector
contribution to total removals.”
The first two choices are self-explanatory, while the third is strange enough to require a little discussion. It was first proposed during the debate over Addendum VI to Amendment 6 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass, which was adopted in 2019, although it never gained too much traction back then. The idea was that the commercial sector was only responsible for about 10 percent of striped bass landings, so instead of being reduced by (in the current case) 14 percent, the commercial quota should only be reduced by 10 percent of 14 percent, or 1.4 percent, while the recreational sector is held responsible for the rest of the cuts.
It’s clearly inequitable, making the
recreational sector assume a disproportionate share of any landings reduction, but it is an approach revived by commercial fishing advocates every time that the subject
of landings reductions is raised.
Requiring both the commercial and recreational sectors to accept an equal percentage reduction is the only equitable option, and should be the option adopted by the Management Board.
Making no
change to the commercial quota would require the recreational sector to
shoulder the entire conservation burden, and take a 16 percent reduction, while
the third approach would reduce the commercial quota by only about 1.5 percent,
while still imposing a 16 percent cut on recreational fishermen.
The question of who must reduce their harvest being resolved, the next question is how that reduction ll be achieved.
Of the six different size limit options for the ocean fishery, which range from a narrower, 28- to 30-inch slot limit to a 40-inch minimum size, none offered more than a 6 percent reduction. So, even if a size limit was adopted, it would have to be paired with some sort of season, along with a reduction of the recreational size limit in the Chesapeake Bay to achieve a meaningful reduction in landings.
The need to combine size limits with a closed season will probably militate against new size limits being adopted.
Instead, it is very likely that any recreational reductions imposed by the
Management Board will be achieved through some sort of closed season. The Technical Committee
put together two pages of suggested season closures for the coastal
fishery. All but one of them broke the
coast into regions, with different seasons for northern New England (Maine to
either Massachusetts or Rhode Island, depending on the option) and the rest of
the coast.
If the Management Board adopts a
closed season, it can do one of two things.
It can close the season to harvest, but allow catch-and-release fishing
to continue, or it can prohibit even targeting striped bass, prohibiting the release
fishery as well. While the latter approach
results in a season closure only about half as long as a no-harvest closure, it has one
very big disadvantage: No-target
closures are virtually impossible to enforce.
It's just too easy for an angler
to target striped bass, but say that they’re fishing for bluefish, white perch,
weakfish or anything else, and was just catching striped bass by accident. In such cases, it is very, very difficult to prove to a judge,
beyond a reasonable doubt, that striped bass was the actual target.
Thus, as a practical matter, a no-target
closure is little more than a no-harvest closure that is only half as long as it
needs to be to accomplish its goal. The Management Board should be encouraged to
adopt a no-harvest closure, which allows catch-and-release to continue, to
achieve the needed recreational reduction.
Unfortunately, in constructing
the possible season closures, the Technical Committee focused on all states
reducing their season by the same number of days, even though that leads to the
very inequitable result of Maine and New Hampshire, which has the shortest seasons on the coast,
giving up a far larger proportion of its season than, for example, New Jersey,
where anglers can catch bass for at least ten months of the year.
The Technical Committee also
chose to break the coast into only two regions, and in all cases, the southern region is just too big. There are few similarities between the
striped bass fisheries off southern New England and those in the ocean off
Virginia, and it would have served the bass better to break the coast up into at
least one more region, perhaps with Delaware Bay as the dividing line.
The current division allows the
more northerly southern states too much opportunity to play games with any
closure that might be adopted. For
example, should the Management Board decide on an option that provides for a
23-day no-target closure in Wave 6, a state like New Jersey, which has a
reputation for abiding by the letter of the rules while doing its best to apply
them in the way most likely to negate their effect, could close its bass fishery for the last three weeks of
December, when most boats are already out of the water, be in technical compliance, but not achieve anything close to the
intended harvest reduction.
However, this late in the game,
there is no time for the Technical Committee to investigate other possible seasons. We can only hope that the Management Board
picks the best of the choices available, and live with the results of their choice until the
2026 assessment update tells us whether additional modifications are required to meet the rebuilding deadline.
What will the Management Board
Hopefully, quite a few anglers
will provide comments ahead of the December 16 meeting, but we still have to
wonder what, regardless of the comments made, the Management Board might
decide to do.
It might well do nothing.
The Technical Committee did calculate, after
all, that if fishing mortality rate for the first eight months of 2024 is maintained throughout the rest of the year, there is a
57 percent chance that the stock will recover under current regulations. That finding will probably tempt quite a few Management
Board members to take the easy way out, forego any new management measures, and
hope that the basws work things out on their own.
It's a risky strategy, with a 43
percent chance of failure, and the poor recruitment in recent years makes going
into 2030 with a spawning stock biomass that remains below the target level more hazardous than it would otherwise be.
The high level of uncertainty could also lead the Management Board to defer action until they can get the recreational catch and landings data for Waves 5 and 6.
That could mean deferring any action until February 2026 or, perhaps, even until May, or it could mean that the Board will decide that, instead of fast-tracking new management measures, it should initiate an addendum through the normal addendum process. Doing so would allow the Management Board to put concrete options on the table and send them out for public comment, and would make it possible to hold public hearings to maximize stakeholder input.
Any measures included
in such an addendum wouldn’t be effective until 2026, but given the advice that additional
measures might not be needed at all, initiating an addendum might
be an easier sell than it was two months ago, when a motion to do so was
rejected by the Management Board.
But there are also quite a few responsible members of the Management Board, who understand the perils now facing the striped bass stock, and who will want to take immediate, decisive action. We can only hope that there are enough of such people, holding the majority of the seats in enough states, that their views will prevail.
If they do, we
can probably expect some sort of closed season, and probably some sort of
commercial quota reduction as well, although I’m hesitant to predict anything
beyond those two things.
What we need to do
Whether or not the Management Board decides to take action, and what sort of action it decides to take, may well depend on the volume and content of public comment.
If the Management Board gets a couple of
thousand emails—not an unreasonable volume, as they received more than that
many comments on both Amendment 7 and Addendum II—and a substantial majority of
those letters call for a 14 percent reduction, there’s a pretty good chance that
the Board will comply.
That’s not a certain outcome,
because one or more Management Board members might make an argument compelling
enough to yield a different result, or there might be enough disagreement between
Board members that it becomes impossible for any proposal to attract a majority
of the votes.
Nonetheless, a strong outpouring of public comment calling for a
particular outcome is likely to have a real impact.
Thus, it’s important that stakeholders comment on the issues.
Comments must be emailed and, as noted at the start of this post, must
be received no later than 11:59 p.m. on December 10. Emails should be addressed to comments@asmfc.org, with a subject line
clearly indicating that they are “Striped Bass Comments.” Emilie Franke, the Fishery Management Plan
Coordinator, asks that if an organization is planning to solicit form emails from
members or from the general public, it contact her at efranke@asmfc.org, or call her at 703-842-0716,
to arrange for a special subject line that will make such emails easier to
identify and sort.
Ms. Franke has done a masterful job
in the past, sorting, compiling, and reporting on the public comment received,
and anything that we can do to make her job easier, given the short time she
has to get it done, is something we ought to do.
And that’s it for now.
I only ask that readers of this
blog do what they can to make their views known. In return, two weeks from
now, I’ll let you know how it all turned out.
This past fall run of 2024 proved to me that the fishery is strong and robust. I caught schoolie bass (24-27”), slot fish and overs every day I fished. I fished 2-3 days a week. Countless bass gorging on sandals and bunkers. Acres and acres of fish. Last year I did not land one school nor one slot fish. Something is going right.
ReplyDeleteI as many on LongIsland have experienced a very strong fall run of striped bass. Fish have been mixed in size. The early fall run was mostly larger fish but still plenty of slot sized. As the fall run continued a larger variety of sizes were caught. The fish have been gorging on bunker and sand eels. There have been a large number of unders mixed in later in the season both from boats and the beach.
ReplyDeleteI am a true believer that the slot law is working. I just wish the slot would be considered for other species such as summer flounder, sea-bass, tog, and cod fish.
Such a solid fall run. After the overs all moved on, and there were plenty, the mix of schoolies, slots and occasional slobs made for non-spot action. It was a great fishing run with my family. What a great season.
ReplyDeleteIt was a terrific year for striped bass fishing. Contrary to the last couple of years, I was able to land more than my share of slot-sized fish this year, which leads me to believe that the limits that were imposed have worked to help revive the striped bass population. I believe that the same type of intervention are needed to help rebuild the population of flounder (winter and summer) in order to revive their populations as well. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHow many of these commentors that are claiming fishing was so great fished Rhode Island or Connecticut waters this fall? I did, and it sucked. It's good for you that you experienced great fishing on Long Island's south shore and the New Jersey coast, but that doesn't mean that the fishery is just fine on a coast-wide basis. I fish 80-100 times a year over the past 5+ season. This was by far, the worst "fall run" I've seen during that time.
ReplyDeleteI fish the extreme west end of Long Island. The season every year starts later and ends sooner. While there were plenty of above slot fish in the mix there were few very small fish and almost as scarce were 2 and 3 year olds. I have caught fewer and fewer fish every year on equivalent efforts and consistent locations, telling me that the trend is negative. That's the fall run. As for the spring, other than a few locations it seems to be more of a boat fishery and very few small fish off the bay and inlet beaches. Joe GaNun ...jpganun@aol.com ...or joeganun@gmail.com. Thanks for listening. I keep a log tracking those numbers.
ReplyDeleteWant to increase spawning number? How about cleaning that filthy polluted Chesapeake and stop blaming fisherman for that environmental disaster.
ReplyDeleteIt's not about "blaming" the fishermen. It's about controlling what can be controlled. Do you really think we're just magically going to clean up the filthy, polluted Chesapeake in the next decade, or two, or three? We can't just magically turn the clean water knob to make the Chesapeake clean next season.